
Lighting Insights


Seth Bernstein – Contextual Light

Unless you happen to be a crossword puzzle devotee you might not be familiar with the word “ethnography,” but it’s one that any LD would do well to consider. At least that’s a lesson that can be gleaned from the richly varied and successful career of this New York and Los Angeles-based designer. A psychology […]

Color Talk – Warm Blues With Gil Perron

The photo stopped us in our tracks the first time we saw it on our friend, Gil Perron’s Facebook page, a beautifully balanced island of warm blue floating in a sea of black. Warm white light sculpted the blue, giving it greater depth and endowing it with a magnetic quality. The light settled gently on […]

I’m With The Band – Martin Dudley and UB40

Like fine wine, (make that fine red, red wine!) UB40 seems to get better with age. Proof of that is there for all to see and enjoy every day on the reggae-pop legend’s very successful 2024-25 UK and EU tour. Fans of all ages, many of whom were not yet a twinkle in their father’s […]

Darren Langer – An Emmy Winner’s Thoughtful Light

The American Dream… This phrase may sometimes be bandied about lightly, but in the case of this LA-based designer, it is resoundingly true! At 17, Darren Langer was living in a motel room with, by his own account, “no plan for the future.” Lighting offered him a path after his cousin, Brian Marincic, introduced him […]

On The Road – Rodger Pugh With Halestorm

No one could have faulted Rodger Pugh if he wanted to kick back for a while. The owner of Devus Designs, the Tempe, AZ-based designer-director had just completed long run with Static-X and Sevendust, when he had a small break in his schedule. Now, a chance to enjoy some time off! But like any eager […]

Durham Marenghi – Global Light

His first exposure to theater was on the stage, when his mother, an amateur dramatics director, prevailed upon him to don green tights and a swimming pool cap adorned with plastic leaves to play the role of Oberon King of the Fairies. As he stood there on the set, the young Durham Marenghi looked around […]